My special day…..

On this special day, a year older I grow,

Into the woods, I wander, with nature aglow.

Birds sing a sweet melody, trees whisper tales,

As I hike through the forest, following nature’s trails.

Under the canopy of green, I find peace and delight,

Lost in the beauty of the forest, from morning to night.

Sunlight filters through leaves, painting patterns on the ground,

I feel a deep connection, in this greenery surround.

Nature’s wonders surround me, in every shape and form,In the heart of the wilderness, true tranquillity is found. So here’s to another year lived, to adventures big and small, Happy birthday to me, embracing nature’s call.

May the woods always welcome me, with open arms wide, As I journey through life’s paths, with nature as my guide.

The witch within….

In shadows deep, where moonlight dances bright,
A witch of power weaves her spells at night.
In tune with nature’s rhythms old and true,
She walks the path of Wicca, tried and new.

With herbs and crystals, incense swirling high,
She calls upon the spirits of the sky.
The elements obey her whispered call,
As earth and air and fire and water fall.

Through sacred circles drawn in mystic grace,
She finds her place within the cosmic race.
A guardian of ancient wisdom’s lore,
She seeks to heal, to harm, to know much more.

The phases of the moon her guide and friend,
Her magic waxes strong until the end.
With pentacle and athame in her hand,
She shapes the world as only witches can.

So dance, O witch, beneath the starry sky,
Embrace the power that dwells within your eye.
For in your heart the mysteries reside,
As Wicca’s light forever shall abide.

The portrait……

Title: The Enigmatic Portrait

In the heart of a quaint village nestled among rolling hills and ancient forests, there stood a modest art gallery known for showcasing exceptional works by local artists. One crisp autumn morning, a mysterious painting appeared in the gallery overnight, captivating the attention of all who laid eyes upon it.

The painting depicted a solitary figure cloaked in shadows, standing beneath a gnarled oak tree with eyes that seemed to follow you wherever you moved. The colours were rich and vibrant, yet there was a sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air around it. No one knew where the painting had come from or who the artist was, as there was no signature or information accompanying it.

As days turned into weeks, the painting began to have a strange effect on those who viewed it. Some claimed to hear whispers emanating from the canvas, while others swore they saw the figure within the painting move when they weren’t looking directly at it. Visitors would often report feeling a sense of unease or being watched whenever they were in the presence of the painting.

Rumors spread throughout the village about the painting’s origins, with some believing it to be cursed or haunted by the spirit of the artist who had created it. People began to avoid the gallery altogether, fearing the unsettling power of the enigmatic portrait.

One stormy night, a young artist named Eliza braved the elements to visit the gallery and see the painting for herself. As she stood before the mysterious portrait, she felt an inexplicable pull towards it, as if it was calling out to her. Ignoring the warnings and whispers of those around her, she reached out and touched the canvas.

In that moment, a blinding light filled the room, and Eliza found herself transported into the world of the painting. She stood beneath the ancient oak tree, face to face with the cloaked figure. Without speaking, the figure extended a hand towards her, offering her a paintbrush.

Realising that she had been chosen to complete the painting, Eliza took the brush and began to add her own touches to the canvas. As she painted, the shadows lifted, and the figure’s eyes softened, revealing a sense of peace and wisdom.

When Eliza finished, the painting transformed before her eyes, becoming a masterpiece of light and colour that radiated with a profound sense of beauty and mystery. With a final brushstroke, she found herself back in the gallery, the enigmatic portrait now a beacon of wonder and inspiration for all who beheld it.

From that day on, the painting became known as “The Guardian of Secrets,” a symbol of the transformative power of art and the mysteries that lie within us all. Eliza went on to become a renowned artist, forever changed by her encounter with the enigmatic portrait and the journey it had taken her on.

In the land of Mythralis….

In the land of Mythralis, where magic reigns,
A tale of a dragon, its power unexplained,
Chronicle of the Nine-Tailed, a saga unfolds,
In pages of wonder, its story foretold.

Nine tails of fire, a creature of old,
Legends of might, in adventures untold,
Through forests and mountains, the dragon soars high,
In search of its destiny beneath the sky.

Heroes arise, with courage so true,
To face the challenges, the dragon pursue,
Friendship and loyalty, their bonds ever strong,
In the world of Mythralis, where they belong.

Ancient prophecies, whispers in the breeze,
Mysteries unravel, with each turn of the keys,
The Nine-Tailed Dragon, a guardian of lore,
Protecting the realm like never before.

As pages turn, and the story unfolds,
In the Chronicle of the Nine-Tailed, its secrets behold,
A journey of magic, of courage and might,
In the Mythralis series, where day meets night.

So let the words weave, like spells in the air,
Embracing the readers with stories so rare,
Chronicle of the Nine-Tailed, a legend so grand,
In the hearts of all who wander this wondrous land.

On a rainy morning, so cosy and cool,The raindrops dance in the puddles, it’s the perfect pool.The sky is a canvas of gray and blue,As the clouds rumble and the rain pours through.The birds take cover in their leafy retreat,Chirping and singing to the rhythmic beat.The trees sway, and the flowers gleam,As nature comes alive in this watery dream.Umbrellas pop open like colourful blooms,As people splash through the streets with their waterproof costumes.The sound of rain on the window pane,Creates a soothing, calming refrain.Kids in rain boots jump in muddy delight,Their laughter ringing through the misty light.Pitter-patter, drip-drop, the symphony of the day,Washing away the worries, inviting us to play.So let’s embrace the rain, let’s not be glum,For a rainy morning can be so much fun.With each raindrop, let’s find a reason to smile,As we dance in the downpour, making life worthwhile.

1st festival of the year…

On February’s first day, the world awakes,

As whispers of a special festival break,

A day of love and cherished romance,

Where hearts entwine in a tender dance.

As winter’s chill still lingers in the air,

February 1st brings warmth and care,

A time to celebrate love’s sweet embrace,

And let affection bloom in every place.

With roses red and chocolates sweet,

Lovers’ steps in rhythm, hearts complete,

A festival of love, so pure and true,

Where souls unite in a bond anew.

On this day, let love’s light shine bright,

And banish shadows with its gentle might,

For February 1st holds a magic spell,

Where love’s enchantment weaves and swells.

So raise a glass and let the joy ignite,

On this festival, love takes its flight,

February 1st, a day to hold so dear,

As love’s sweet melody fills the atmosphere.

Good morning February πŸ™

On this first of February, with the sun’s gentle kiss,
I send you warm wishes for a day filled with bliss.
Good morning, dear friend, may your spirit take flight,
As you embrace the day with all of your might.

Let the morning dew whisper secrets untold,
As the world wakes up in hues of pink and gold.
May your heart be light, and your worries be few,
As you journey through the day, let joy shine through.

With each step you take, let kindness be your guide,
And let love and compassion be forever by your side.
Embrace the moments, both big and small,
For life’s greatest treasures are enjoyed by all.

So as the morning unfolds, and the day begins to start,
Know that you’re cherished, with a special place in my heart.
May this first of February bring blessings anew,
Good morning, dear friend, this poem’s just for you.

The wolf my totem animal and guide….

In the heart of the ancient woods, where spirits roam

There strides a creature, wild and free, the majestic wolf, my totem

In silver moonlight, it moves with grace, a spirit pure and true

Guardian of the forest, it calls to me, in whispers of the dew

Its eyes alight with ancient wisdom, a mirror to my soul

Guiding me through the darkest nights, making me feel whole

A sentinel of intuition, it speaks without a sound

Its presence fills my spirit, with wisdom I have found

In every howl that pierces the night, a song of strength and might

Echoes of the ancestors, guiding me towards the light

The wolf, my totem, guardian of my dreams

Teaching me to trust in myself, as wild as it seems

In the dance of the Northern Lights, and the secrets of the stars

I feel the wolf’s spirit, embracing me from afar

A totem of courage, a symbol of the wild

In the depths of my being, it’s the spirit of a child

So I honour the majestic wolf, my totem and my guide

In every step I take, in every moment I abide

For in the heart of the ancient woods, where spirits roam

There strides a creature, wild and free, the majestic wolf, my totem In the silence of the wilderness, where nature’s heartbeat thrums

I find the essence of the wolf, where my spirit becomes one

With each paw print in the earth, it leaves a mark profound

A reminder of the interconnectedness of all that’s around

The wind carries its message, a whispered ancient lore

A tale of resilience, and the strength to endure now and for evermoreΒ 

Through trials and tribulations, the wolf stands tall and bold

Teaching me to embrace the journey, regardless of how cold

In the boldness of the pack, an unbreakable tie

I learn the power of community, under the open sky

The wolf, a symbol of unity, of loyalty and grace

Guiding me to seek kinship, and find my rightful place

So as I wander through this world, with the wolf as my guide

I honour its wisdom, and in its spirit, I confide

For in the heart of the ancient woods, where spirits roam

There strides a creature, wild and free, the majestic wolf, my totem, my spiritual home.

Feeling 😍 loved

Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved?

In the gentle embrace of love’s sweet glow,
A warmth that fills the heart and soul does flow.
Like sunlight dancing on a tranquil sea,
Love’s tender touch brings joy and sets us free.

In every whispered word and tender gaze,
In every act of kindness and warm embrace,
A symphony of love surrounds us near,
Erasing doubts, dispelling every fear.

It’s in the laughter shared and tears wiped away,
In knowing someone’s there come what may,
A sense of being cherished, understood,
In love’s sweet arms, we find all that is good.

So let us revel in love’s sweet embrace,
And cherish every moment, every trace,
For in the warmth of love, we truly see
The beauty of being, the best we can be.