Teddy boys 1960

The afternoon sun casts long shadows across the pavement of a quiet London street in 1960. The sound of distant jazz and the occasional clatter of a double-decker bus provide a backdrop to an almost cinematic moment, frozen in time.

Three Teddy Boys stand on the corner, embodying the rebellious spirit and distinct style that define their subculture. Their attire is sharp and meticulously chosen.

The first, Johnny, leans against a lamppost, his quiff perfectly greased and towering above his forehead. His drape jacket, a deep burgundy with velvet trim, hangs loosely over his shoulders. The collar of his crisp white shirt peeks out from beneath, and a slim bolo tie adds a touch of sophistication to his look. Dark drainpipe trousers lead down to polished brothel creepers, completing his ensemble. He gazes down the road with a mixture of boredom and anticipation, a cigarette dangling lazily from his lips.

Beside him, Billy adjusts his own narrow tie, a flick of his wrists sending glitters of sunlight from his cufflinks. His jacket is a striking cobalt blue, contrasting sharply with his slick black hair. A comb is perpetually half-out of his pocket, ready for frequent touch-ups. He seems animated, recounting a story with grand gestures, his laugh bright and infectious. Despite the flamboyance of his attire, there’s an undeniable charm to his demeanor.

The third, Davey, stands a bit apart, hands stuffed into the pockets of his dark, high-waisted trousers. His jacket is the most understated of the three, a charcoal gray with subtle pinstripes. A plain white scarf is wrapped nonchalantly around his neck, and his eyes, framed by thick sideburns, are fixed on the horizon. He exudes an air of quiet confidence, the enigmatic leader of this trio.

The streets around them echo with the era’s unmistakable pulse. Nearby shop windows display the latest Rock ‘n’ Roll records and racks of brightly colored dresses. A couple of young women walk past, casting admiring glances at the sharply dressed boys, who respond with knowing winks and easy smiles.

As the sky begins to shift towards twilight, the three Teddy Boys push off from the street corner, their presence a bold statement against the backdrop of post-war Britain. They stroll down the sidewalk in unison, coolly indifferent to the world, but entirely aware of the statement they make — a symbol of youth, rebellion, and a new cultural identity claiming its space in history.

My special day…..

On this special day, a year older I grow,

Into the woods, I wander, with nature aglow.

Birds sing a sweet melody, trees whisper tales,

As I hike through the forest, following nature’s trails.

Under the canopy of green, I find peace and delight,

Lost in the beauty of the forest, from morning to night.

Sunlight filters through leaves, painting patterns on the ground,

I feel a deep connection, in this greenery surround.

Nature’s wonders surround me, in every shape and form,In the heart of the wilderness, true tranquillity is found. So here’s to another year lived, to adventures big and small, Happy birthday to me, embracing nature’s call.

May the woods always welcome me, with open arms wide, As I journey through life’s paths, with nature as my guide.

I’m crafting my 2nd book…..

A Journey into Developing Characters for the Mythralis Series

As an author embarking on the creation of your second book in the Mythralis series, the development of characters plays a crucial role in bringing your narrative to life. Characters are the heart and soul of any story, serving as the conduits through which readers immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of your fictional world. In this article, we delve into the intricate process of character development and explore the strategies I employed to breathe life into the diverse inhabitants of Mythralis.

1. **Conceptualisation and Ideation**: The journey of character development begins with a spark of inspiration. Whether it be a fleeting image, a snippet of dialogue, or a vivid dream, these initial ideas serve as the building blocks upon which your characters will be constructed.I  Delve deep into the lore of Mythralis, draw from its history, cultures, and landscapes to shape the identities of  my characters. I Consider their backgrounds, motivations, and desires, weaving them into the fabric of the narrative.

2. **Character Profiles and Backstories**: To create well-rounded characters, it is imperative to delve into their pasts, understanding the events that have shaped them into who they are today.I aim to develop detailed character profiles that outline their personalities, strengths, weaknesses, fears, and aspirations. Craft rich backstories that provide insight into their origins, relationships, and past experiences, infusing my characters with depth and complexity.

3. **Character Arcs and Growth**: Characters are dynamic entities that evolve over the course of a story. Chart out the character arcs for each of the protagonists and antagonists, outlining how they transform and grow in response to the challenges they face. I explore themes of redemption, self-discovery, and resilience, allowing my characters to undergo profound changes that resonate with readers on an emotional level.

4. **Dialogue and Interaction**: Dialogue serves as a powerful tool for character development, offering glimpses into the minds and hearts of your characters. I try to craft authentic and distinct voices for each character, reflecting their personalities, backgrounds, and beliefs. Paying attention to the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, exploring how characters interact with one another to reveal hidden facets of their identities.

5. **Flaws and Vulnerabilities**: Imperfection is at the core of humanity, and imbuing  my characters with flaws and vulnerabilities adds a layer of authenticity to their portrayals. I love to explore the inner demons that haunt your characters, the insecurities that plague them, and the mistakes that define them. Allowing my characters to grapple with their imperfections, showcasing their resilience and capacity for growth.

6. **Reader Engagement and Empathy**: The ultimate goal of character development is to forge a deep emotional connection between the readers and my characters. I try to create characters that resonate with universal truths and experiences, eliciting empathy and understanding from my audience. I Invite readers to walk in the shoes of  my characters, to feel their triumphs and tribulations, forging a bond that transcends the pages of my book.

In conclusion, the development of characters for my second book in the Mythralis series is a multifaceted and rewarding process that demands creativity, empathy, and a keen understanding of human nature. By investing time and effort into crafting compelling characters, I hope to breathe life into the  narrative, inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey through the enchanted realms of Mythralis.

The digital design tale by Sonia Jones c 2023

There was a talented digital designer named Maya. Maya had always been passionate about design and had spent years honing her skills in various design software. As she grew more experienced, she saw the demand for her services rise.

However, with the rise in demand came an increase in competition. Maya found herself competing against other talented digital designers for the same clients and projects. She knew that if she wanted to succeed, she would need to outsmart her competition.

Maya started by analyzing her competition’s portfolios and design styles. She noticed that many of them were sticking to a particular design style and were not willing to experiment with new ideas. Maya saw this as an opportunity to stand out from the crowd. She started experimenting with new design styles and techniques, pushing the limits of what was considered conventional.

Maya also realized that she needed to be more efficient in her work. She started using new design software and tools that allowed her to work faster and more efficiently, without sacrificing quality. Maya’s work started to stand out from the competition, and she began to win more clients and projects.

But Maya wasn’t satisfied yet. She knew that there was still more she could do to outsmart her competition. Maya started networking with other designers and industry professionals, attending conferences and workshops to learn about the latest trends and technologies in the digital design industry.

As Maya’s knowledge and skills grew, so did her reputation. Clients started seeking her out specifically for her innovative design style and efficient work process. Maya had successfully outsmarted her competition and established herself as a top digital designer in the industry.

From that day on, Maya continued to push the boundaries of digital design, always looking for new ways to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. Her success inspired other designers to do the same, and the digital design industry evolved into a more dynamic and exciting field, thanks to her ingenuity and determination.

Art deco poem

In a world of sleek and shining lines,
A lady stands, Art Deco divine.
Her curves and angles interlace,
In perfect harmony, a visual embrace.

Her hair a sleek and shining bob,
Her lips a bold and crimson job.
Her dress a flowing, geometric delight,
Intricate patterns, a timeless sight.

She stands tall, a symbol of the age,
Elegant and poised, a modern sage.
Her eyes a hint of mystery,
A glimpse into a forgotten history.

Her beauty timeless, her style unique,
A work of art, an aesthetic peak.
Art Deco lady, forever enshrined,
In a world of beauty, forever sublime.