The wolf my totem animal and guide….

In the heart of the ancient woods, where spirits roam

There strides a creature, wild and free, the majestic wolf, my totem

In silver moonlight, it moves with grace, a spirit pure and true

Guardian of the forest, it calls to me, in whispers of the dew

Its eyes alight with ancient wisdom, a mirror to my soul

Guiding me through the darkest nights, making me feel whole

A sentinel of intuition, it speaks without a sound

Its presence fills my spirit, with wisdom I have found

In every howl that pierces the night, a song of strength and might

Echoes of the ancestors, guiding me towards the light

The wolf, my totem, guardian of my dreams

Teaching me to trust in myself, as wild as it seems

In the dance of the Northern Lights, and the secrets of the stars

I feel the wolf’s spirit, embracing me from afar

A totem of courage, a symbol of the wild

In the depths of my being, it’s the spirit of a child

So I honour the majestic wolf, my totem and my guide

In every step I take, in every moment I abide

For in the heart of the ancient woods, where spirits roam

There strides a creature, wild and free, the majestic wolf, my totem In the silence of the wilderness, where nature’s heartbeat thrums

I find the essence of the wolf, where my spirit becomes one

With each paw print in the earth, it leaves a mark profound

A reminder of the interconnectedness of all that’s around

The wind carries its message, a whispered ancient lore

A tale of resilience, and the strength to endure now and for evermoreย 

Through trials and tribulations, the wolf stands tall and bold

Teaching me to embrace the journey, regardless of how cold

In the boldness of the pack, an unbreakable tie

I learn the power of community, under the open sky

The wolf, a symbol of unity, of loyalty and grace

Guiding me to seek kinship, and find my rightful place

So as I wander through this world, with the wolf as my guide

I honour its wisdom, and in its spirit, I confide

For in the heart of the ancient woods, where spirits roam

There strides a creature, wild and free, the majestic wolf, my totem, my spiritual home.


In whispers soft, our secrets shared,

Intimacy blooms, a love ensnared.

With words that dance and hearts that meet,

Our souls entwine, in love’s heartbeat.

Each syllable a tender kiss,

A touch that’s felt, a moment of bliss.

Through whispered truths and stories told,

Our hearts are warmed, our love unfolds.

In the silence, our voices find,

The depth of love, the ties that bind.

In every word, a world is spun,

Where two are one, and love is won.

So let our words, like petals fall,

Upon the garden of us all.

In intimacy, our hearts embrace,

As words and love find their perfect place.

Saturday before yuletide

Upon the Saturday before yuletide fair,

The world is wrapped in a magical air,

Snowflakes dance in the crisp wintry night,

As stars twinkle with a soft, enchanting light.

Families gather by the hearth’s warm glow,

Sharing laughter and love, their spirits all aglow,

The scent of pine and spices fills the air,

As they trim the tree with ornaments so rare.

Outside, the world is blanketed in white,

A serene landscape in the soft moonlight,

Children sculpt snowmen with joyful glee,

While dreams of gifts dance in their reverie.

In the bustling market, shoppers roam,

Seeking treasures to bring happiness home,

Glistening decorations and festive attire,

Evoke the spirit of the season’s entire.

As yuletide draws near, hearts are full and light,

With the promise of hope shining ever so bright,

On this Saturday before the joyous yule,

We embrace the warmth and the season’s sweet fuel.

The Power of vibration

Title: The Power of Vibration: Resonating with Others and Understanding Incompatibility

Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection, as if you were tuned to the same frequency? Or perhaps, on the contrary, you’ve encountered individuals with whom you simply couldn’t seem to get along, no matter how hard you tried? These experiences can be attributed to the concept of “vibration,” a fascinating phenomenon that extends beyond the realm of physics and permeates our interpersonal relationships.

Vibration is a fundamental aspect of the physical world, describing the oscillation of objects and the energy they emit. In the context of human interaction, the concept of personal vibration suggests that each individual exudes a unique energetic frequency that influences how they engage with the world and, crucially, how they resonate with others. This intangible force shapes our social dynamics, forging deep connections with some and creating discord with others.

At its core, the idea of resonating with another person is akin to the harmonious interplay of musical notes. When two frequencies align, they amplify each other, culminating in a sense of compatibility and understanding. This alignment can manifest in various forms, such as shared values, similar communication styles, or a natural rapport that transcends words. In these instances, individuals often describe feeling “in sync” with one another, as if they are operating on the same wavelength.

Conversely, there are instances where individuals simply cannot seem to connect, regardless of their best efforts. This lack of resonance can lead to feelings of discomfort, tension, or an unspoken understanding that something fundamental is amiss. While social norms often encourage us to seek common ground and foster harmony, the reality is that not all vibrations are meant to complement each other.

The reasons behind these disparities in resonance are multifaceted. They can stem from differences in personalities, life experiences, and emotional states, all of which contribute to the complex tapestry of human interaction. For instance, an extroverted, adventurous individual may struggle to resonate with someone who is introverted and prefers routine, leading to a mismatch in their vibrational frequencies. Similarly, conflicting values, worldviews, or unresolved emotional baggage can create barriers to resonance, impeding the formation of meaningful connections.

In some cases, individuals may attempt to force a connection despite the lack of resonance, leading to strained relationships and a sense of inauthenticity. Recognizing and accepting these inherent vibrational differences can be a pivotal step in navigating our social landscape with empathy and understanding. Rather than viewing incompatibility as a personal failing, acknowledging the natural ebb and flow of vibrational resonance can empower us to seek out relationships that align with our authentic selves.

Moreover, the concept of vibrational resonance extends beyond individual interactions and permeates group dynamics, organizational culture, and societal structures. Just as two people can resonate with each other, collective groups can also share a vibrational frequency, leading to a sense of unity, camaraderie, and shared purpose. On a larger scale, societal movements and cultural phenomena can be understood through the lens of vibrational resonance, illuminating the interconnectedness of human experiences and the power of collective energy.

In conclusion, the notion of vibrational resonance offers a compelling framework for understanding the complexities of human relationships and the dynamics that shape our social landscape. By embracing the concept of personal vibration, we can cultivate a deeper awareness of our interactions with others, fostering genuine connections while respecting the inherent diversity of human experience.

Tuesday night has come again

Tuesday night has come again
A tranquil time to ease the strain
Stars above begin to gleam
As night descends, a calming theme

The week’s chaos starts to fade
In the moonlight’s gentle cascade
Whispers of the wind’s embrace
Bring a sense of peaceful grace

Reflection on the days gone by
Brings a thoughtful, wistful sigh
Yet hope emerges, shining bright
In the stillness of this night

Embrace the peace that evening brings
As nature’s lullaby softly sings
Tuesday night, a time to find
Solace for the heart and mind.

Food night all sleep tight

Monday morning ๐ŸŒ„

On a Monday morn in rain’s embrace,

A world of darkness, a sombre place,

But in the downpour’s rhythmic song,

A spark of hope can still belong.

For in the gloom, a chance awaits,

To rise above and conquer fates,

Like a phoenix from the ashen sky,

We’ll spread our wings and learn to fly.

Through the mist, our spirits soar,

With determination at our core,

The rain may fall, the clouds may loom,

But we’ll defy the Monday gloom.

For in the storm, we find our might,

As we navigate the darkest night,

And when the sun breaks through the gray,

We’ll greet the dawn of a brand new day.

So let the raindrops wash away,

The doubts and fears that lead astray,

For Monday’s morning, dark and damp,

Shall be the start of our triumphant stamp.

Good morning ๐Ÿ™ ๐ŸŒ„ โ˜บ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’“ย 

Friday morning in November

On a Friday in November, the world’s a sight to behold,

With the earth adorned in hues of red and gold.

The air holds a crispness, a touch of winter’s embrace,

As the season’s transition paints a picture of grace.

The sun rises late, casting a warm, gentle glow,

As the day unfolds with a leisurely flow.

Amidst the falling leaves and the autumn’s song,

We find a sense of peace that’s been overdue for so long.

In November’s twilight, the sky puts on a show,

As the daylight fades, and the stars begin to aglow.

A sense of anticipation lingers in the air,

As the weekend beckons, free from weekday’s care.

So on this Friday in November, let’s take the time,

To cherish the moments, this season so prime.

As we embrace the day and all that it brings,

Let’s savour the magic that this November Friday sings.

Good morning

Poverty of the night….

In the still of the night, whispers fill the air,

Echoes of hardship, burdens that people bear.

In the quiet darkness, where dreams take flight,

Lies the weight of poverty, a never-ending fight.

Families in need, struggling to get by,

Underneath the starry sky, they heave a heavy sigh.

Their stories untold, their voices often unheard,

Yet they persevere, with hope as their guiding word.

In the midst of scarcity, they find strength to cope,

Their resilience shining brightly, a beacon of hope.

For life’s true measure isn’t wealth or gold,

But the love and kindness within, stories untold.

As the moon rises high, casting its gentle glow,

May those in need find solace, in the stillness below.

May tomorrow bring promise, and burdens be light,

Good night to all, in the embrace of the night.